It was another good week in North Carolina. A lot of things happened this week that made it great.
First off, M and A are progressing BEAUTIFULLY. They are still both really excited about being baptized and might as well already be members. We had a lesson with them on Tuesday. We taught them the law of Chastity and they both accepted to live it, no questions asked. They understand the importance of marriage and family, so it was easy for therm to commit. We also had a lesson with them on Thursday night. They wanted to take us out to dinner with a couple of ward members, so we ate ate Benji's. Jeremy Brock(recent RM returning from Honduras) and his dad were there with us. M and A ended up dropping like 100 bucks on us that night. When we were all done eating, A asked Jeremy, "Do you want to get anything for your mom?" So he picked something up for his mom. Then Jeremy wanted to buy some stuff from the little Tienda part of the store. So A watched Jeremy pick out everything, and then he went and grabbed the same stuff, paid for them, and gave them to Jeremy. Let me tell you. These guys know how to live! They're so so so so ready and committed. They're already doing missionary work. They keep asking us for Books of Mormon because they give them all to their friends. When they get baptized, we're gonna work through them to find and teach.
We also had a great lesson with a new family that we're teaching. A family in the ward yesterday came up to us and was like "Hey Elders, we've got a really nice family here from Puerta Rico we want you to meet. So we met up with them. Their names are R and K, and they have two kids(one is 8!). So we guided them to Gospel Principles. The lesson in there was PERFECT. It was on Eternal Marriage. So we asked them if they had questions about the lesson, and their first question was "What do we need to do to get married in the temple?" So that's when it all started! We told them about baptism and meeting with us and they were super excited. So after church we gave them a church tour and then we headed over to the Graves' home(the family that brought R and K) to have lunch and a lesson. So we had a delicious roast dinner and then taught them the Restoration. They accepted baptism for the 20th of September :) I hope I'm here for all this. If I get transferred before M and A and R and K, I might cry. Transfers are on the 9th, so there is a chance I'm leaving. But I'm praying that I don't get transferred and that the Lord doesn't have a sense of humor!
So those were the highlights of the week. The rest of the week consisted of some street ball for finding purposes, some good dinners, and sickness. I've been sick for a couple days with a cold, so I'm hoping it goes away before we have to bike tomorrow. This past week was HOT. The humidity was pretty ridiculous. Every time I walked outside, my sunglasses fogged up. It was a nice treat. We also did a lot of service this week, so the humidity definitely added some fun to everything. We helped a little old lady attempt to get rid of some grape vines that had infested her garden. That's a lot of work. Those things don't go down easily. The second project was at the lake that we go fishing sometimes. We helped the Elders and High Priests clear out trees. That was also a good one. There were chain saws everywhere! I'll attach pictures. The third service project was helping a family move from one trailer to a bigger one. We could only stay for a little bit, so we loaded and moved all the heavy things.
Until next week,
Elder Landon Carroll
Landon loves finding cool cars and trucks....guess they have them in North Carolina too!