Hi everyone,
Hope all is going well on your side of the world. Everything is great here at the MTC (Missionary Training Center) When they did the language evaluation, they decided to put me in beginner Spanish because I couldn't remember how to conjugate past tense. Gahhhhh! So this beginner class has just mostly been a review so far. And the guy that evaluated me said I would be a big help with other people learning Spanish. I've definitely seen that. That's not to say that I'm amazing at Spanish or anything, but I am ahead. I can now pray in Spanish and bear my testimony in Spanish and talking with my "investigator" Hugo is going pretty smoothly.
Our investigator (Hugo) is from Buenos Aries, Argentina. And we love to make fun of him because he always says "si si si si claro claro" when we teach him anything. I don't know if that's an Argentine thing but he sure says it a lot. It's kind of funny. So yesterday we got this guy to pray for the first time. He didn't close in the name of Jesus Christ but that's okay. He'll "learn."
It's interesting being with a companion 24/7. Kind of annoying actually. You don't get any alone time to think haha. But I guess it's cool. I'll get used to it. My companion is the exact opposite of me in many ways. He's tone deaf (haha) and really short. But he has a good testimony of this gospel. Speaking of tone deafness, I've been singing a lot! It's nice leading my district in song and bringing music to everyone. Not the most musical district by any means but that's okay.
Hope all is going well on your side of the world. Everything is great here at the MTC (Missionary Training Center) When they did the language evaluation, they decided to put me in beginner Spanish because I couldn't remember how to conjugate past tense. Gahhhhh! So this beginner class has just mostly been a review so far. And the guy that evaluated me said I would be a big help with other people learning Spanish. I've definitely seen that. That's not to say that I'm amazing at Spanish or anything, but I am ahead. I can now pray in Spanish and bear my testimony in Spanish and talking with my "investigator" Hugo is going pretty smoothly.
Our investigator (Hugo) is from Buenos Aries, Argentina. And we love to make fun of him because he always says "si si si si claro claro" when we teach him anything. I don't know if that's an Argentine thing but he sure says it a lot. It's kind of funny. So yesterday we got this guy to pray for the first time. He didn't close in the name of Jesus Christ but that's okay. He'll "learn."
It's interesting being with a companion 24/7. Kind of annoying actually. You don't get any alone time to think haha. But I guess it's cool. I'll get used to it. My companion is the exact opposite of me in many ways. He's tone deaf (haha) and really short. But he has a good testimony of this gospel. Speaking of tone deafness, I've been singing a lot! It's nice leading my district in song and bringing music to everyone. Not the most musical district by any means but that's okay.
Guess who I saw the other day? Dalton and another friend from BYU-I that we used to hang out with. I got a picture with Dalton so I'll attach that soon. It was nice seeing him. He says Portuguese is "kicking his butt." But I figure that's pretty normal. He'll learn the language better when he actually gets to Brazil. He leaves on Tuesday I think.
Dad- the MTC is a great place. I'm on the west campus where it's nothing but Spanish speaking missionaries. Literally everyone except for maybe five guys is going to Mexico. Even funnier, All five other Elders in my district are serving in the Mexico City West Mission. But I don't feel left out at all. I'm excited to go to North Carolina. That's where I'm supposed to be.
Easton-Sorry to hear that you were sick this week. But at least you won the Basketball tournament! That's awesome! Basketball is so fun. Keep working on skills and watch the NBA. That's where I learn most of my moves.
Mom- Primary pianist? Hahahaha. That's like the best calling ever. Definitely a step down from Relief Society.
Love you everyone. Thanks for the support. I'm doing great here in the MTC and I'm having so much fun. All my teachers are great and Spanish is fun to learn. I'm really motivated and almost competitive I guess. My testimony is also growing a lot. I read and study the scriptures every day and I pray all the time.
-Elder Carroll
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